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The goal of microinverterdata is to provide access to your local micro-inverter data.


You can install the development version of {microinverterdata} from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


This is a basic example to get inverter data for a single device:


## single micro-inverter device data
get_output_data(device_ip = "")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   device_id    inverter   output_power today_energy lifetime_energy
#>   <chr>        <chr>               [W]         [kW/h]          [kW/h]
#> 1 E07000017176 inverter_1          127          0.336            251.
#> 2 E07000017176 inverter_2          128          0.342            265.

The single device here includes 2 separated inverters. We get one row of data per inverter, i.e. per solar panel.

You can also use a vector of IP adresses for device_ip. Thus the command would run on all the inverters

## multiple inverters data
get_output_data(device_ip = c("", ""))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 5
#>   device_id    inverter   output_power today_energy lifetime_energy
#>   <chr>        <chr>               [W]         [kW/h]          [kW/h]
#> 1 E07000017176 inverter_1          126          0.336           251. 
#> 2 E07000017176 inverter_2          128          0.342           265. 
#> 3 E07000021746 inverter_1          125          0.334            44.0
#> 4 E07000021746 inverter_2          123          0.329            59.0

The packages also gives access to inverter information through get_device_info() and inverter internal alarms through get_alarm().

Inverter support and configuration

The package here requires minimal version and configuration for the supported inverters :

Inverter Manufacturer Inverter Model Firmware version Configuration
APSystems EZ1 ≥ 1.7.0 Continuous local mode
Enphase Envoy-S D5.x.x Need testers